Quality Auto Services in West Palm Beach, fL
Since 2001, Electro Auto has been serving the people of South Florida with honest and professional auto electrical repair. We’re dedicated to being the best car electrician in West Palm Beach. We use quality materials, and have established a reputable brand.
What We Do
Computerized Engine Analysis
By hooking up your car to a specialized machine, we will read any error or issue codes and alert you to get your car the service it needs.
Key Programing
Our car key programming services include: Key coding, Transponder key programming, Immobiliser code retrieval, and Replacement keys
emission Control
There are a number of ways you can make your vehicle more fuel efficient and emissions can have a massive influence on your fuel performance
Hybrid System Analysis
Like any car, a hybrid needs regular maintenance to keep it running at its best
Drain Battery Test
Due to the electrical nature of most vehicles today, your car battery not only helps your car function but also keeps your family safe when on the road.
Air Conditioning Electric Analysis
Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases.